A study has revealed that gluten sensitivity when Celiac disease is not present is purely psychological.
In what will be harsh to those who say they are sensitive to gluten but not living with Celiac disease, the same scientist who studied gluten sensitivity in 2011 now says it’s all in your head. Whereas Celiac is extremely real and can affect the mind and body, gluten sensitivity may not be anything more than suggestive behavior pushed by the ready availability of gluten free foods and constant advertisements that gluten sensitivity is real.
Celiac Disease Vs. Gluten Sensitivity
Whereas Celiac disease triggers headaches, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, there major problems with the existing studies on non-Celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). Scientist Peter Gibson first studied NCGS in 2011, and after it began to become self-diagnosed and the numbers of people claiming to have it soared, he revisted the study in 2013 to take a critical look at the findings.
By studying a test group that ate one meal with any other potential triggers such as dairy removed, Gibson found that the presence of gluten could not be proven to have caused any of the symptoms the test group reported, In fact, he stated that gluten was completely harmless in the studies. Because NCGS is so widely self-reported, there are very few doctors that diagnose it, the number hovering around only 16% of cases reported. The suggestion that NCGS exists seems to have convinced people that they have it, even though they do not.
Gluten As A Scapegoat
Gibson goes as far as to say that gluten is a NOCEBO, which is a harmless substance that still causes symptoms. People are so convinced that they are gluten-sensitive that they feel the effects of it when there is no reason to. Individuals are mentally making themselves sick for no discernible reason, mostly due to the popularity of gluten-free diets.
This all might seem extremely harsh, but Gibson’s studies are important because people are suffering when there is no reason to do so. The ready availability of gluten-free products is a multi-million dollar industry, and people who are afraid that gluten is affecting them negatively are feeding into the industry and making themselves ill. Currently, Gibson is researching whether NCGS even exists, but the gluten-free lifestyle rages on.
Celebrity Fad?
Celebrities swear by going gluten free are major influences on the public, and when they state that eliminating gluten from their diet leads to better health, people listen and convince themselves that it’s true. It is more and more being proven that all these health benefits are created in the mind due to the suggestion of health rather than the science behind it. So what are people who are convinced they are sensitive to gluten to do?
Make Your Own Decisions
For one, relax. No one is going to make you eat gluten if you don’t want to. Choosing to be gluten-free is a choice everyone has the right to make, If you feel better not eating it, that’s great. There’s no reason to change your diet back. But just know that the power of suggestion is very powerful, and that the mind does wonders to our bodies. By thinking positively about what you choose to eat, you might be making the best decision about your health.
Danielle Vintschger/Pazoo